The contract covers the installation of flexible flowlines, flexible risers, two production control umbilicals and risers, along with power cables and associated dynamic risers.

Technip will also procure, fabricate and install a 175 tonne manifold structure and carry out associated trenching operations, tie-ins, testing and commissioning.

The company’s operating centre in Aberdeen will execute the contract and it will use its Skandi Arctic and Orelia diving support vessels along with other third party vessels to carry out the offshore work.

The Alma and Galia fields lie about 310 kilometres off the coast of Aberdeen, Scotland, in a water depth of about 80 metres.

Both fields will be tied back to the EnQuest Producer floating production, storage and offloading vessel and first oil is expected during the fourth quarter of next year with peak production set to hit 20,000 barrels per day of oil.

The Alma field was the first to produce oil off the UK when called Argyll.

It was redeveloped in 2003 by the UK’s Acorn Oil & Gas under the name Ardmore before being abandoned for a second time in 2005.

EnQuest was awarded 100% of part blocks 30/24 and 30/25 in the UK’s 26th licensing round in 2010 and decided to launch another redevelopment.

The company farmed out a 35% stake in the development to Kuwait Foreign Petroleum Exploration Company last month in a $500 million deal.