UK O&G Industry Sees Improved Health and Safety Record:
The UK’s health, safety and environmental record has improved markedly in recent years, according to a new report from industry body Oil & Gas UK.
The organization’s first ever report – titled ‘Oil & Gas UK Health & Safety Report’ – found:
•Despite being a major hazard industry, in terms of non-fatal accidents the sector is the third-best performer in the UK. It has a better safety record that the public sector, retail and general manufacturing with only the finance/business and education sectors performing better
•A noticeable and steady reduction in the incidence of over three-day injuries, reaching an all-time low in 2010/11 – a reduction of almost 70 percent in the last 15 years.
•Two years into a three-year program to reduce hydrocarbon releases (HCRs) by 50 percent, there has already been a 40-percent reduction in major and significant releases, giving confidence the target figure can be reached next year.
•Major and significant hydrocarbon releases in 2011/2012 are at an all-time low.
“The report serves to underline the fact that the UK has one of the most robust offshore health and safety regimes in the world. The reason it is strong is because we’re not complacent and we’re always looking for ways to improve or to make things safer,” said Robert Paterson, Oil& Gas UK’s health and safety director in a statement released on Tuesday.